Seeding the Schools


We get pretty excited about school gardens around here, and this year we have the honor of helping out a couple of local schools with our organic seeds. The Sequoia Middle School in Redding started their garden project last year, and if their initial success was any indication, it is a project that will keep growing.

We have joined with the school to do a fundraiser for the garden. For one more week, students are selling Redwood Seeds through the school, and a portion of the proceeds go right back to the garden project. We are so proud to be a part of this project, and Redwood Organic Farm will support them every step of the way. You can read more about their progress on the Sequoia garden project facebook page.

This was also the first year Redwood participated in the Big Bend seed swap. There were lots of great organic seeds swapped by local gardeners, and over half of our seed sales went back to the school garden. Good luck Big Bend!

Thanks to Linda, Huxley, Lindsay and everyone who helped us get involved in these amazing projects.



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