Plant: After last frost

Solanum lycopersicon 

50 seeds/pack | 80-90 days | Heirloom

Hanging on their vines like grapes, these yellow/green cherry tomatoes will tingle your taste buds. Bred by Tom Wagner in 1986 from a yellow pear cherry and a large beefsteak heirloom. With a tangy sweet taste, many folks find these little fruits addictive. The plants stay compact but bear fruit for a long season. Although they are listed as a determinate variety we found them to be extremely prolific.

The famous tomato expert Carolyn Male wrote a book called 100 Heirloom Tomatoes for the American Garden. On the green grape she says, “First time growers of green grape have a tendency to fall in love with it after only one season. When you experience the unique spicy sweetness associated with green tomatoes for the first time, it's easy to become addicted.”
