In many climates the best time of year to garden is actually in the fall and winter months when rain returns and insect pests are dormant! This collection of 10 cool season varieties will give you plenty to eat from September to March. It is also perfect for those who live in regions with cooler summers, such as the coast or northern climates, where these can be grown during that time. 

Cool Season Kit includes: Golden Chard, Sugar Snap Pea, Mayan Jaguar Lettuce, Nozaki cabbage, Solstice broccoli, Scarlet Ohno turnip, Black Magic Kale, Danver's carrot, Lutz beet and Great Greens Mix. 


Would you like to talk through your garden challenges and plans? With 20 years of garden experience, Kalan Redwood is offering garden consultations by phone or video chat this February. 

Book now and we will be in touch to schedule your call!

garden planning, problem solve issues, integrate seed saving, organic pest control, planting from seed, garden rotation, bed prep, soil amendment, irrigation and more


Our Summer Garden seed kit includes 10 varieties of warm season veggies  perfect for any back yard garden. This collection represents our farm favorite varieties that have done well for us year after year! We hope you enjoy them as much as we do. 

This collection includes: 3 Sunflower Mix, Mountain Honey Melon, Top Hat sweet corn, Korean Hot pepper, Cosmonaut Volkav tomato, Dragon Tongue Bush bean, Waltham Butternut, Christmas watermelon, Persian cucumber and Golden Zucchini. 
