Plant: After last frost

Helianthus annuus

50 seeds/pack | 65-75 days 

Gorgeous maroon to chocolate brown flowers on tall multi-branching plants. Great for cut flowers and provides continuous blooms throughout the season. Pollinators love this variety.


Plant: After last frost

Helianthus annus

50 seeds/pack | 80 days 

Enjoy this beautiful sunflower mix from Eel River Produce full of colors ranging from bright to lemon yellows, chocolates and vivid oranges. All plants are multi-branching and keep blooming from mid summer to fall.


Plant: After last frost

Helianthus annus

50 seeds/pack | 80 days | Heirloom

Our largest variety of sunflower grows to 12 feet and each head can be up to 2 feet across. Great variety to grow for a plentiful seed harvest, if you can get there before the birds! Sunflower seeds are an excellent source of protein. Easy to grow and they attract butterflies. A very heat- and drought-resistant variety.


Plant: After last frost

Helianthus annus

50 seeds/pack | 75 days | Heirloom

Gold petals with green/black concentric circles in center. Very striking sunflower with an interesting center pattern of concentric rings of green and black. Mid-size heads to 8 feet. White seeds.


Plant: After last frost
Helianthus annuus
50 seeds/pack  I  80 days
Short in stature at knee height but big on color and beauty. The adorable double blooms are distinctively fluffy and measure a hand width across. Expect up to 6 blooms on each plant over a 6-7 weeks period.