Cosmos sulphureus
50 seeds/pack  I  65 days

Bring some color to your summer garden with Bright Lights cosmos. The plants reach 3-4 feet and yield gorgeous shades of yellow, gold and orange all season long! Easy to direct sow or start in trays and transplant. We grew these flowers in remembrance of Vivian Lynn Parker, whose bright light will continue to shine through the ones she loved and the beauty she brought to this world.

Plant: After last frost

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack    |   75 days 

These gorgeous blooms with red to lime colored blooms are, in my opinion, the jewel of the Queen Lime series. Blooming from June till frost, it offers a long season of semi to double blossoms when deadheaded regularly. Zinnias grow well direct seeded or started in trays and transplanted.


Plant: After last frost

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack    |   75 days 

This unusually colored flower adds unexpected contrast to the garden and cut arrangements. Blooming from June till frost, it offers a long season of semi to double blossoms of bright chartreuse when deadheaded regularly. Zinnias grow well direct seeded or started in trays and transplanted.


Plant: After last frost

Leucanthemum × superbum

50 seeds/pack    |   75 days 

Large daisy with white petals sits upon a long stem. This hardy perennial tolerates little water and cold winters. They bloom in early summer and the petals are edible though strongly flavored. Bred by Luther Burbank at the turn of the 20th century. 


Plant: Early Spring or Fall
Calendula officinalis
50 seeds/pack  I  60 days
Calendula are a favorite perennial addition to any garden and will continue to bloom late into the fall and reemerge in early spring. In the words of breeder Frank Morton these calendula are “Fantastically beautiful, fully doubled blooms are a boiling complex of color, with maroon petal-backs and pastel faces of orange sherbet and pink washing into yellow at the petal bases.”

Plant: After last frost

Zinnia elegans

40 seeds/pack    |   75 days 

These zinnias come in a rainbow of bright colors from red to yellow, pink and orange. They do well direct seeded in late spring or transplanted once frost danger has passed. Edible petals can be used as salad garnish. 
